My name is Johnny Angel Vasallo, and I am a Cuban-American who resides in San Marcos, Texas. I believe in the power of words, and I dedicate plenty of time towards advocacy. I am currently searching for internship opportunities for copywriting, including remote work.
My hobbies include playing board games with friends and watching movies that tug at my heartstrings. I also enjoy shopping for clothes that add a little more spice to my life.
I am not afraid to be embarrassed in this world, and I strive to enhance all my capabilities. I also live my life through my emotions, and I am determined to add more depth to our society. I am excited to continue my journey in advertising and affirm my identity in this world.

Traditionally, creative manifestos are created for businesses or advertising campaigns. However, I decided to develop a manifesto that describes my capabilities as a writer and the artistry that I will bring to this community.